Compliance Help
Choose quality and credibility. In today’s compliance landscape, you can’t afford to sacrifice your RTO’s ability to deliver quality training and assessment services whilst successfully and compliantly running your business operations.
RTO Resources
High-quality, easily customisable policy documents, tools and forms which are developed to help RTOs maintain compliance with the respective training packages, the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 and the National Code 2018.
RTO Training Resources
We have partnered with some of Australia’s best resource providers to help RTOs find high-quality training and assessment tools and materials – from workbooks and learner guides to RPL and assessment kits.
What Our Clients Say About Us

RTO Registration Consultants
Are you confused by all of the requirements and evidences required to register your RTO? Our compliance experts are here to help you navigate this process. With ASQA’s ever-increasing scrutiny on RTO registrations and re-registrations, it is important that you get it right the first time and avoid any costly and stressful mistakes.
CRICOS Registration Consultants
Do you already operate an RTO and want to register for CRICOS? Are you setting up a new RTO and want to register for both RTO and CRICOS simultaneously? It is important to have experienced and dedicated consultants by your side throughout the process to ensure you are positioned for success.

Our Compliance Guarantee
We will work with you and your team to help you achieve a successful audit outcome. You can also be rest assured that if there are any non-compliances found at an ASQA audit where we were responsible for the task, we will assist you in the rectification process at no extra charge! Please note, where there are changes with the legislation or with ASQA’s practices after your application is lodged, this guarantee no longer applies.
Our Resource and Content Partners
We know how overwhelming it can be when comparing all the different resource and content providers there are on the market, which is why we have done the heavy-lifting for you.
We have reviewed thousands of resources across a range of training packages and have chosen only to work with resource and content providers with quality training and assessment resources.